Q: What are your top 3 Exante products?
A: Porridge, Sweet & Sour Noodles and Ham & Mushroom Pasta Soup.

Q: What have you learnt during your weight loss journey with Exante?
A: I learnt that if I stick to a plan, it will work! I am the only person in control of me achieving my weight loss goals.

Q: How did your plan fit into your lifestyle?
A: It is so easy to replace meals with Exante, I would put two sachets in my bag in the morning, one porridge to have when I get to work and a shake for lunch. I would also have my evening meal as soon as I got home so that I wasn’t tempted to snack.

Q: How has your life changed since losing weight?
A: I feel healthier and full of life! I have so much more fun shopping knowing that I don't have to look at the back of the rails for the largest size. My health has improved so much, my blood pressure is normal and the arthritis I used to struggle with has gone! I just feel such a sense of achievement that I have done this by myself and never want to fall back into bad habits.