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Exante water enhancers

Many people do not drink the daily recommended amount of water. Some may even actively reduce their fluid intake when they’re trying to cut back on sugary drinks, especially if they’re used to drinks with flavour.

At exante, we know the importance of staying hydrated for our weight loss plans. That’s why we have made staying topped up easier and more delicious than ever with exante water enhancers!

exante flavoured water enhancers are perfect for carrying in their travel size squeezy bottles. A quick squeeze of one of our products transforms keeping hydrated from feeling like a chore into a delicious treat!

How can you enjoy exante water enhancers?

Staying hydrated has never been easier. Conveniently use at home, at work or on-the-go by diluting 2.5ml (one squeeze) of concentrate into 250ml of cold water. There’s no need to keep them refrigerated either so you can simply squeeze and enjoy!

With 3 different flavours to choose from, you can try something new every day. What’s more, with just the 3 calories per 2.5ml serving, these healthy water enhancers will not sabotage your training or daily nutrition, unlike high-sugary alternatives. Incorporate them into your exante plan or lifestyle diet today!